Results of palmistry along with the Vedic birth chart for timely marriage

Results of palmistry along with the Vedic birth chart  for timely marriage

Consider the results of both for late marriage

But if one considers the results of palmistry along with the Vedic birth chart results it give many things to understand. Following notes are some astrological views on marriage.

marriage celebration
  • If Saturn (Shani) is in 7th house and been on a higher zodiac then marital delay happens.
  • If the lord of the 7th house is in 6th, 8th and 12th house and other disputed planets are looking at marriage house i.e. 7th house then marital delay happens.
  • If Rahu and Mercury (Mangal) are in 7th house and the Venus (Sukra) is weak in the chart then delay in marriage happens.
  • If Saturn’s (Sani) eye is on 7th house along with Jupiter (Bruhaspati) and lord of the 7th house are in lower zodiac positions, then also marital delay occurs.
  • If in the chart the lagna Moon (Chandra) and Sun (Surya) are not well positioned then also marriage delay occurs.
  • Rahu and Venus (Sukra) are in the house of lagna and Mercury (Mangal) is in 7th house then also marriage delay occurs.
  • In the birth chart Saturn (Shani) and Mercury (Mangal) both comes in Lagna, 7th house, 12th house. And if lord of 12th house and 7th house lord weaken then problem in marriage arise.
  • Even if the lord of 8th house is present in the 5th house makes the difficulties in marriage.
  • If Rahu and moon (Chandra) positioned in 7th house and Venus (Sukra), Jupiter (Bruhaspati) are weak in the birth chart makes the delay in marriage.

By Himanshu Nayak

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11/12/2014 11:22 AM
This is certainly an informative post about timely marriage , it is recommended to wear a yellow sapphire gemstone in case of marriage issues in birth chart. Buy astrologically beneficial yellow sapphire